Hey there! Today, we’re diving into a lesser known but increasingly significant tool in the world of brain
recovery: QNRT. For anyone hearing this term for the first time, or for those curious about how it can
assist in supporting the brain relating to trauma and PTSD, this is for you. Let’s unpack QNRT and
understand its potential.

What’s QNRT?
QNRT stands for Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy. Sounds futuristic, right? At its core, it’s a non-invasive
approach that aims to balance the brain’s response to adverse childhood events. Imagine our brain as a
complex electrical circuit. Sometimes, traumas cause “short circuits,” leading to emotional and physical
reactions. QNRT seeks to address these disruptions and restore homeostasis. QNRT specialize in helping
you understand the physical and emotional impact of the stress response, identify specific stress
response triggers and life events by assessing and reading a person’s neurology.
QNRT Practitioners assess & activate the nervous system and reset the way the brain responds to stimuli
to produce a healthier neurological response and build new neuronal pathways that culminate in a more
optimal state of wellness.
How Does QNRT Work?
Through QNRT, therapists identify events that may have triggered emotional trauma. These events can
create what in psychology are termed “Brain-Based Emotional Traumas” or BBETs. By identifying these
BBETs, Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy (QNRT™) is a proprietary protocol designed to initiate a quantum
shift in the nervous system by resetting the brain’s response to emotional triggers for both past and
present emotional trauma and stress.  
​The founder of Dr. John Turner states, “Doctors often tell me the emotional element to illness is an area
where they cannot seem to break through and help their clients. This is where QNRT has helped when
all other techniques and therapies fail. “
How Can QNRT Help Trauma and PTSD?
Now, to the golden question: how can QNRT aid those grappling with trauma and PTSD?

Brain’s Response Alteration: At the heart of PTSD is the brain’s heightened response to traumatic
memories. By working directly with the brain’s wiring, QNRT can modify how it reacts to emotional

Emotional Regulation: QNRT can help individuals manage intense emotional reactions linked to stressful
events like traumas. Over time, a more balanced brain can translate to reduced anxiety, flashbacks, and
other PTSD symptoms.

Holistic Healing: Beyond just the brain, QNRT considers the interconnectedness of our body. This means
addressing physical symptoms that may be manifestations of emotional trauma.

Success Stories
While QNRT is relatively new, early adopters have reported transformative experiences. For instance,
Sarah, a war veteran, grappled with PTSD symptoms for years after returning from deployment.
Traditional therapy methods helped, but it was only after undergoing QNRT that she experienced
substantial relief. She describes her post-QNRT life as “reclaiming my mind” and being able to
experience “joy without underlying fear.”

Another individual, Mark, who faced childhood trauma, shared that after QNRT sessions, memories that
once tormented him felt distant and no longer loaded with pain.

Trauma and PTSD can feel like carrying a heavy, invisible weight, but therapies like QNRT offer a beacon
of hope. While it may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, for many, it’s proving to be a game-changer. As
with any therapy, it’s essential to find a qualified practitioner and see if QNRT aligns with individual
needs. While QNRT does not claim to diagnose, prevent, treat, mitigate, or cure physical/psychological
conditions, but does provides a Brain-Based Reset Therapy that may offer therapeutic benefit by
supporting normal structure and function and is a part of the vast emerging world of trauma recovery.
There’s always hope on the horizon. Here’s to healing, growth, and discovering innovative paths to well-